Teen Girl Enjoys A Romantic Home Sex Session With Her Lover

None of those problems were related to Judy, however.Judy woke up in a wonderful mood. When her eyes opened she gave me that smile that women often use to communicate contentment after great sex. Judy looked positively edible and I would have breakfasted had the radio not interfered.I’d known that we could only stay hidden for so long and that people out looking for food, women, and fuel would start searching farther from the city centers and begin to invade the countryside in search of what they could rob, rape, or steal. That came to us mid-morning on that day. I was working near the cave, cutting wood for our fires when a gunshot sounded way too near.My shotgun was very nearby and I circled towards the sound, being careful not announce either my presence, or intentions. Well down the hill toward the highway I could see four ugly, dirty, filthy looking men, trying to catch Judy, who kept running around and behind trees to keep them from capturing her.Whoever fired the shot ruined. He turned and headed for the door, where a corridor had been cleared to allow them outside and out of sight. Bobby and the rest of the band and their entourage followed after him — all except Celia. She walked over to Jake."Are you okay?" she asked him."I think so," he said, rubbing his cheek and wincing a little. "It's not the first time Matt's mouth got me punched in the face and it probably won't be the last." He's an asshole," she said. "You know that, don't you?"Jake shrugged. "He does have his moments. Your boyfriend there packs a pretty good punch. Not as good as the NYPD, but respectable." He's not my boyfriend," she said forcefully. "He's always had a crush on me but it never went anywhere. Bobby is my boyfriend." I see," Jake said. "Maybe you should reconsider your choice. I notice Bobby was the only one who didn't defend your honor." He's a lover, not a fighter," she said.Jake chuckled. "Of course," he said. "Well, it's been nice seeing you again, Celia. Well... not.
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